Thread: screen problem
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Old 08-18-2010, 10:52 PM
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Re: screen problem

Originally Posted by tr0s View Post
i did a search on google for a touch pro teardown and it gave me almost step by step (sorta) i was able to get it completely apart in about ten minutes of prying and cursing. just be careful of what you're doing, sprint doesn't like it when we tool around inside these things.

imho it looks to be a poorly seated connector cable. i would just take it to a sprint store and see what they can do, you said you have had it replaced with refurbs... does that mean you have tep? if so, take advantage and use it for what it's meant for. if you don't have tep, then just take it apart... there's a bunch of screws and delicate cable connections though.
No I don't have tep, the phone came with 1 year warranty, and after that I was just lucky. can you direct me to a link? I went to, but they didn't really have any steps. When I did open it, i was in the part that had the connection that controls the vibrator, I figured this out because I forgot to make sure it was connected properly before I put it back together.

EDIT: nevermind, I figured out how to get to the screen.

Last edited by Samip; 08-19-2010 at 10:09 AM. Reason: figured it out
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