Originally Posted by hthomas
Agreed 2018 is fast. Lots of people are having trouble getting it up and running. Any idea why?
They are TEST packages so they aren't going to be perfect.
The biggest issue people had, had to do with the cfc'd packages Indagroove uploaded. His first uploaded packages were pretty much straight from the dump with files inside of modules. Well he patched mode9.dll manually through s000 inside of the module. That is a good way to patch the module itself but when we build and there is a file inside a module it will use the file and not the module. This is a problem because the file itself wasn't cfc patched but the manila qtc images were cfc'd.
Originally Posted by lionedas
Notification enhancement don't use 3.0
2016 use a lower number
Posted using android on my tp2
Actually you can use the newer versions of notifactions but you have to change a specific reg, I think is is "Com3Project"=dword:0 or something to that nature.