Originally Posted by iknowsquat
Did you try a fresh download? Something could be corrupted-either a file on your SD or the ROM file download was bad.
If you restore the old ROM does it run? If so then it could mean the download of v3.0 was corrupted. I'd think corrupted files on your card would effect either ROM version.
If you havent re-download the ROM and flash that. If it wont go then try to reformat your SD:
Back up your SD card then reformat it (fats32)
Rewipe and reflash the ROM.
thanks iknowsquat
yea i did notice when i removed the sd card the phone would boot up and last longer before crashing and restarting. well i am going to give it another try this time reformating the sd card? which version of the rom should i try? Odexed or Deodexed? what ever will help keep my phone more stable