Originally Posted by ecrob
I've experienced this many times... What works for me 99.9999% of the time is sliding out the keyboard and back in... holding the power button and then tapping it... I know it sounds retarded but the phone comes back on in about 15-20 seconds. ...It is still a pain in the butt but it is better than taking out the battery and stuff. I think I read a while ago it had to do with the radio or something...???
Sliding Keybaord has worked for me as well (stock verizon wm 6.5 and BigMaxSense wm6.5.x rom).
Only thing is, if you disable the awake on sliding keyboard, then it doesn't do this.
I have had the SOD (Sleep of Death) when getting large activesync emails from work.
If I wait 15 - 20 seconds, it usually comes back.
Since going to Bigandad MaxSense wm6.5.x ROM, I have had only 1 SOD (which was of my doing when playing around with Overclocking and got it up over 800 and then exited the program......standby = locked at 800).