Originally Posted by litlepyro
I have a NOOB question. How do you post a picture of whats on your entire screen? Ex: The speedtest posts. Thanks!
Originally Posted by richarc93
Sorry.... I tried the attachment but it requested an url. So I used dropbox for it. I'll try again... although the pic looks nice, u r right they take up lots of scrolling space....
Sent from my Evo"Nator" using TapaTalk
If you use the pic insert feature you'll need a url, if you use the file attatchment feature you won't.
Once you attach, you can use the Preview feature to click on your own attachment and get a url. That will create an image larger than a thumbnail but smaller than the ginormous ones. I use the big ones often cuz they look so damn cool
I try to cut them down when details like taskbar icons aren't the focus. Cropping out the main feature of the pic can help too.
LOL Great minds think alike Vegas