Thread: Pagepool
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Old 08-18-2010, 02:07 PM
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Re: Pagepool

So the reason i have less memory to use even if i have closed all programs is because the phone is remembering all the apps i opened before so that it can be opened quicker in the future? i don't want that.

Can someone explain for dummies what pagepool is? I have a basic understanding but i would like to know more... but i understand if this question remains unanswered.

pagepool 0 = more processing space, less for the rom itself

pagepool 20 = less processing space, more for the rom itself. Rom runs smoothly.... cant multitask.

so if pagepool is set to say 12 the phone knows automatically not to save opened programs after you close then so that it can be opened quicker in the future?

i want at least 50 - 70mb all the time even after opening and closing apps.
Only way i get this now is if i use the start menu removal cab... rom runs smooth but well... at the cost of the start menu and the X button =(

I'm am frustrated cuz i set pagepool to 0 and on a reboot i have 48 mb... after doing nothing I'm down to 29mb... when i left pagepool the way it was (energy rom) it was the same amount of MBs unless i used pagepool changer incorrectly...

My main concern is i want this to be my last flash for a while because setting all my setting is a pain... i want to be able to open 2, maybe 3 apps smoothly with little lag and i don't want to get that message of not enough storage mem to run opera etc...

Give me a good pagepool #, the best for what i want to do so i don't have to reflash again


Last edited by jonlee83; 08-18-2010 at 02:09 PM.
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