Thread: Stuck buttons
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Old 08-18-2010, 01:38 PM
chrisquinn_99@YAHOO.COM's Avatar
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Re: Stuck buttons

I have also experienced the broken button issue several times on several new and refurbished imagios. Finally, I got fed up (again) and called tech support. I told them that I was about to leave Verizon regardless of the ETF, if I couldn't have a reliable working phone. I've been a customer since before it was Verizon and explained to them how stupid it would be to lose a customer over this. I told them that I didn't expect a new phone, but I did expect a different, comparable phone. The agreed to send me a samsung omnia 2. They are also sending me a new battery, phones cover, and wall charge for the omnia 2 in exchange for my imagio accessories. It should get here tomorrow. I told them I would be ok with the original droid as well, but apparently it is not part of their "upgrade" matrix to go from windows mobile to android. I hope this helps someone. I love htc and think everything they do is innovative, but the software doesn't matter if they can't get the hardware right.
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