Originally Posted by orcat
Found this on XDA....works great...originally from "Prophete"
Change the following reg values under:
HKCU/Software/Ilium Software/RSS Hub
Key: ImportUrlsPath
Value: \Storage Card\Program Files\RSS Hub\ChannelData\ImportUrls.xml
Key: ChannelFilePath
Value: \Storage Card\Program Files\RSS Hub\ChannelData\Channels.opml
Key: DefaultChannelsPath
Value: \Storage Card\Program Files\RSS Hub\ChannelData\DefaultChannels.opml
Key: SampleChannelsPath
Value: \Storage Card\Program Files\RSS Hub\ChannelData\SampleChannels.opml
Move the three .opml files and the one .xml file from the \windows directory to the \Storage Card\Program Files\RSS Hub\ChannelData directory.
Soft reset and you should be good to go.
I can make this into a cab for you later on if you would like.
Giddy-UP ... back in business with my RSS feeds.
This manila 2018 special edition with CHT is very, very nice ... continue to enjoy it.
Best regards,