Re: Grumps Iphone By WoW (NO!!!! WA2 or WAD!)
Sry guys I am having a big problem getting the 12th button to do a more option. It just keeps giving me an error to the link. Did i setup the page2 wrong, do i need to set one up etc. Anyone who got this working let me know please
I have been trying to read through all the threads and I have it set up
Nevermind, I found the thread I needed, but How to i get it to go back once in Page2. I assumed Page1 but it gave me a link error. THanks Any suggestions for cool games or programs. I just thumbed through tons of text to find the fix for this and I prolly shoulda kept an eye out for programs. Anyway, let me know if you guys think I need anything specific. I have most the basics Google maps, Battery Calc explorer, solitare. I want something to show off the the ipod lovers THanks
Last edited by stazari; 02-24-2008 at 07:03 AM.