Originally Posted by cnaimo
Do any of the ROM's have Pandora w/Fixes ??
Well if you search the TP2 forum for pandora, u will get a good bunch of cabs but try some of them, some are terrible as I am sure u already know but some are actually pretty functional with not all buttons aligned right but most of them are to listen to the stations without much of a headache. I gave up on pandora when I found the slacker radio cab, it is awesome free internet radio & absolutely no alignment issues it has a version made for our screen size. U might want to give that a try unless pandora has u completely sold
Originally Posted by BiG JeW
this isnt the place to ask your question, but most of the ROMS threads list what apps come with their ROM. Admins or MODS, please move.
If ur not gonna help please save ur comments to yourself, MODS do a great job & they already dont need ur help...