Originally Posted by cuban4lf
Like i said in my post... when i went to compose a txt i had to close and open a full times b4 it would start writing , when id go make a call it would take for ever to go to calling screen , and a few other things i cant remember right now !! It did take a few days for these bugs to start happening !! So .... Use and keep us updated !!
I use OC widget been using it with Netarchys kernals for a while and the only time I would experience any problems was when I was underclocking. I would get the homescreen redraw when coming out of sleep everytime I had it set to 128000 minimum/maximum when screen was off. As soon as I bumped it up a level it has been just fine. Overclocking made the screen a little weird in certain apps, I think I just needed to find my phones ok level.