problem with boot.img
i'm currently running Damage Control 3.2.3, and i've recently used cyanogenmod 6.
i've tried flashing DC3.5 and fresh3.1.0.1. both of which give me errors when it gets to "boot.img".
i thought at first it was DC3.5, but like i said, fresh is doing it too. i've tried flashing with clockwork and with amon ra. i've downloaded the ROMs multiple times and also directly to my phone.
i've used OMJs rom in the past. then went to DC3.2.3. tried cyan6 for a bit and went back to dc3.2.3 just recently with a netarchy kernal.
i've wiped cache, data, dalv, and even batt stats.. sometimes even twice as a "junt in case"
any suggestions?
Last edited by ulysses; 08-16-2010 at 01:58 PM.