Originally Posted by 2kidz
ok...sooo, my question now is WHO BESIDES SPRINT will have the actual phone in their stores on the 31st? i understand that obviously it would probably be best to p/u from the sprint store but i really dont wanna pay the upfront rebate and wait for it to be returned in the mail weeks/months later when there is a possibility that i could pay the $249+tx AND walk out w/ my epic THE SAME DAY! with all the talk of pre-ordering (which i DID DO at the sprint store) i am now even more eagerly awaiting the phone and dont want to have to wait for the phone to come in the mail...
do u guys think that best buy/radio shack/wal mart will have actual phones for sale for those who DID NOT preorder??? the reason why i mentioned those 3 stores in particular is because i believe they offer the INSTANT REBATE.....
Best Buy and radioshack will definitely have it day 1 but you gotta pre-order with them to guarantee it.