Originally Posted by OMJ
I'll repeat my steps one more time, hopefully it will help someone.....
started on my Froyo v2.1 Odexed rom w/ netarchy 4.0.3 kernel (my PPCG edition rom), I have Toasts recovery.....
-rebooted into recovery, did a backup (optional)
-booted into android, did a ##786#, reset (it reboots on its own)
-when the screen went blank, I pulled the battery (dont let it reboot)
-boot into bootloader, then recovery
-I wiped everything except sd partition
-handsfree activation while you're crossing your fingers
good luck
This method worked for me after the 4th try. I'm running OMJ 2.2 v2.1, odexed with Netarchy 4.0.3.
Since friday, I tried the "##3282#" method at least 20 times with no luck.