Error 100 Model ID Error.
I used this kitchen without any problems on my 6700, but I had to return it to Verizon because of a dead spot on the screen. I did put it back to the original ROM before I took it in. Verizon replaced it not problem, but the new one had bootloader 2.05. So I put 2.02 on it (following the thread - I downloaded the nk.nbf, radio.nbf and ms_.nbf from
and put then in the No_ID folder as directed). Now my bootload screen says 2.02.
When I tried to put the same ROM that was on my last 6700 on the replacement Error 100 Model ID Error came up and I had to quit. What is going on? HELP!!!!
Switched from Standard to noID and it worked. But I didn't have to do that with my first phone. Why would this be?