Originally Posted by wrubiera
I am in 3.26.651.6 OMJ_2.2_fROYO_V2.1
Well even though you are going Froyo to Froyo I'd still recommend the wipe.
I edited my post above, check your files sizes to ensure you are getting complete downloads of the v3.0 ROM.
If you are on the stock kernel now on the v2.1 ROM and you cant get the v3.0 ROM to load it could be the kernel like Vegas said (provided you rule out a bad DL of the ROM file).
If you try the v3.0 again and have issues the wipe cache and dalvik and reboot and see if that helps.
Originally Posted by wrubiera
I use Vegasden linked. Vegasden is the one working in my wife's phone. I was trying to update to the latest OMJ'S ROM BUT I GET THE SAME ERROR MESSAGE. Which kernel should use? they are so many of them. Thank you Vegasden and iknowsquat for helping me to get through tonight with my wife's phone.
OK, if it is the kernel causing you issues then it's the 4.0.3a-OMJ included that in the v3.0 ROM that you cant get to install. Try a Froyoized kernel one version back 4.0.2 and see if that goes.