Originally Posted by johntiger
Why would I ever check my chute where's the adventure in that?
Jumping out of a perfectly good airplane is the adventure, I loved it. You wanna check your chute, it's kinda important
Originally Posted by wrubiera
2.1 install successfully. Phone is working perfect again. I would like to install netarchy kernel. What should I do. Thank you
Grab the kernel from here:
Flash it like a ROM, no wipes. (IF you have issues after the flash, wipe just cache and Dalvik then reflash the kernel)
Are you on Eclair 2.1 or Froyo v2.1-makes a difference-get the right kernel!
Originally Posted by wrubiera
I try to install OMJ'S LATEST VERSION OVER 2.1 AND I get the same error message.
Did you wipe? You should anyway IMO but certainly if you are going from a Eclair 2.1 ROM to a Froyo 2.2 you need to wipe.
For clarity-what Froyo ROM are you trying? The one you had or the one Vegasden linked?
EDIT: What are your file sizes? OMJ's last v3.0 ROMs are 169MB-are you getting complete downloads?