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Old 08-14-2010, 09:04 PM
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Re: OMJ's HTC EVO 2.2 Custom ROM v3.0 | FroYo 3.26.651.6 | *Updated 8/13/10*

Originally Posted by rhamburger View Post
I am having data issues too. I talked to a sprint rep and was told they were having problems with data service in my area (Atlanta). I was told it started last night.
Sprint rep worked with me for about 15 minutes and then told me he did everything he could and I would need to take it into a sprint store to have them run diagnostics on it. I finally just cleaned out the cache's and reinstalled the v3.0 rom. Instead of doing a NAND restore I just installed missing files and data using Titanium Backup and it seems like the data is working as it should be (at least for now).

However, I am being hit with another issue...when I go to the camera I get the message "Flash is disabled due to low battery poser, cold weather, or a running application that uses a lot of power, like wi-fi hotspot and phone". I have a fresh battery with about 90% still available on it, I live in florida so I know it isn't cold, and nothing other than system apps are running and there isn't a lot of overhead with those. Anyone having this issue?
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