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Old 08-14-2010, 08:54 PM
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Re: Lioryte Base 23129/21915+mortscript 4.3β ~170MB free

Post 1 updated with WM 6.5 latest build 21915 AKU5095 Windows CE:5.2 Build 3833 (Aug 6 2010 16:49:39)

I wanted to see what has changed if anything with WM 6.5 .vs 6.5.X. It was stable for me the whole day. It was a good reminder for me to why WM 6.5.X saved me from throwing the Omnia away. Not so finger friendly. However, for those of you that want to use the most up-to-date WM6.5 that is compatible with 99% of WM 6.1 programs/apps (start menu on top, as well as X/close program).

Also, I added a little somethin', more on it with the next WM 6.5.X release
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