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Old 08-14-2010, 08:44 PM
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Re: Easy way to delete sprint apps after rooted?

The free option to remove apps on a rooted device is also very handy.
Basically, similar steps to what Hypnotic wrote. Make sure you have a nandroid backup incase you mess up.
Instead of Root Explorer, you can use Estrongs File Explorer which is free.

Open Estrongs -
Select Menu>Settings>Root Options
Now check "Root Explorer" when given the popup window, select "HiAPK"
SU Permissions popup so select "Allow"
Then check "Mount File System"

Now you're free to navigate to /system/app and delete anything you want.
Careful you don't break anything, but of course, you have a nandroid backup so no worries.
- RX8 -
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