Originally Posted by philliyxx
Well, I'm not looking for one, but I don't think that thread is what people are looking for. That's just links back to this thread where the files are.
What we need is a thread that says:
There a several way to OC, they are...
Using "this program" and "that" program you do "this", for each of the different methods.
Then a section that explains what the settings do and how to set them.
Then a FAQ with things like if Msm7kcpuspeed crashes, that's becuase it needs to be completely closed and not left running, blah blah blah
Or, only use msm7kcpuspeed to read your current speed and not to adjust, blah blah blah
Again, I would do it, but I'm only 80% right now and I don't even understand the technical aspect, we need someone that nows exactly whats going on, but then again this new prog may make all that obsolete.