08-14-2010, 07:07 PM
Wolf dog master, Chef
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Re: **New**8/11/10 MaxSense V1.5.2 Download available in post #5
Originally Posted by suntopper
If you hit the "my pictures" to get to a picture that is stored on your storage card, then you will get a list of directories. When you select one the black background covers the black text. Like I said, it's not a big deal because once you select a folder it opens it and the camera option is always highlighted when you open a new folder. So I guess it's much ado about nothing!
BTW, I reflashed v9.8 to check out the Bluetooth stereo thing and I don't have the issue anymore.
My BT headset did the samething early this morning. I had my main computer with BT enabled. When I turned off the main computer BT and soft reset the phone the stereo returned to normal. FYI, I will be returning to Sense 2.5 soon to update the rom. Thanks Suntopper for being willing to flash to any rom that I post for testing.
 He is your friend, your partner, your defender, your dog. You are his life, his love, his leader. He will be yours, faithful and true, to the last beat of his heart. You owe it to him to be worthy of such devotion