Originally Posted by Timberwolf671
FYI for anyone beta testing MaxSense 1.5.3. If you are having any problems, then please do a task29. After testing for the past 18 hrs, I had to do 3 hard resets. Maybe a bad flash, but it was always with trying to use my Jawbone BT. Now that I did a task29 everything is working fine.
I did a task29 before flashing, everything been working fine for the most part. I've had it freeze up on me a few times, mostly when I get an error from a bad shortcut or Total Commander froze up on me a couple times (trying to load large directories). I pull the battery cover and hit the reset button and everything goes back to normal. For the most part though, seems to be running good, I haven't had to hard reset, and been running it since yesterday afternoon (about right after the link was up