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Old 08-14-2010, 08:23 AM
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Re: Battery life vs. Touch Pro 2?

My phones been off the charger for almost 33 hours with 49% battery left. I only have facebook refreshing every 4 hours and have weather at 3 hours and gmail. It really sips battery when the phone is asleep. I used it some last night for some texting and web browsing but it was a busy night so I didn't get to play with it as much as usual. I was only down to 70% and that was almost 24 hours ago now. Haven't used it much since then but I've had the wifi turned on since I got home. Just trying to see what kind of battery life I can get if I don't play with it constantly. So far it's looking good, I was also trying to see how it is without a task killer and it seems to be doing fine.
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