Originally Posted by auTONYmous
Funny, I've had the same issues with Aug 10, July 30, and July 21 CHT 6.5.x builds. Phone just randomly freezes while I'm on a long call and the backlight goes off (like conference calls that run an hour or more).
I can still hear and talk on the call, but none of the buttons respond (I.E. power button to wake the phone up, hangup/talk buttons, etc.). I end up having to pull the battery to reset it.
Other than that, the Aug. 10 23128 CHT Rom is FAAASST!!!
Well, I like pretty lol. I'm using the lite version and will see how it runs. I do like the selection of programs of the standard, but what good is it if becomes unstable after you add a cab or two??
Crossing fingers