Originally Posted by CaliCL9
what android build is this for
Any. Just replace the zimage and startup on ANY android you're using to see immediate improvement.
Originally Posted by mgioia2
Shu8i has a new build that has these fixes in it...i'm too scared to boot out of Android, i've been in it since 5pm Wednesday and haven't had 1 single glitch so i'm not touching SHIT until it screws up on me, LOL
lol, I hear ya.
What I've noticed is it runs a lot faster, and does not get hot. I played Bonsai Blast for like 2 hours straight yesterday, it only used like 35% battery and it never got above 39C on the battery temp (which is really good). It stays generally from 25C to 32C, and I have anywhere from 200-300MB free ram