Re: LG Fathom ArcSoft client removal...
interestingly ebough i just discovered that my lg fathom bo longer uses arc soft and now uses the default windows one with threaded texts
iit for some reason creates a thread with my number that has all the sent txt msgs and doesnt have contact names but their phone number bu this is still a lot faster than arcsoft
the message chome goes to windows threaded msgs now and if i were to find a contact and send message it uses windows new message thing
im not sure what i did that made this happen as i hadnt been directly trying to get it working but it may have something to do with restoring my messages using spb backup with or without overwriting but i remember that it used arcsoft for a while after words
also perhaps it had something to do with installing chinese fonts
though i really only found it after going through each mail account i had and all of a sudden all of my sms msgs were there
in "secureMSGstorage"
oh and i installed skype for winmo
speak of the devil it somehow reinstated itself after pressed reply after a sms notification popped up
Last edited by eatbuckshot; 08-13-2010 at 08:52 PM.