Originally Posted by razorloves
you know the verizon tp has much less ram then the other tp's, so you have to do a few things for these roms to work good. this one will be no differrent. You have to lower the pagepool. The sweet spot for the vzw tp is between 6 and 10. Then, after you flash the rom you can disable the htc dialer. Thats known to save another 7 or 8 mb. Then you can periodically run cleanram. There's other things you can do too.
i know it wont be perfect but i hope it will be better. i had the vogue before this and every rom i tried basically worked really well so it is a little frustrating with this vz tp. I know sense 2.5 will run better on my phone with 6.1 as everything does on my phone with 6.1. even titanium with 6.5.anything on this phone runs high on the memory. i am just hopeful about this rom. thats all