Originally Posted by Sharkie405
I was shooting for tonight, but then I got stuck on a KD Font issue that had arisen, unbeknownst to me, in the new kitchen I started when the other one became corrupted. I just figured out the issue, but it's late and I have a 16 hour work day tomorrow so I can't build and upload them tonight. As I'm working all day tomorrow, it will probably be Fri. morning. Assuming nothing else comes up that is...
A major change, besides the bugs being fixed is the dialer. I'm glad that I have more freedom with the dialer now that I know the actual phone canvas was not to blame. I'm going with a black Dinik Dialer canvas and Timberwolfe671's blue Dinik dialer skin for the button press.

Looking awesome! Take your time, my friend. We would all rather have a solid, stable ROM than a rushed one just to satisfy our flashaholism (<--- technical term)