Originally Posted by Sharkie405
So removing the droidsans.ttf didn't work.
So I have:
HelveticaNeue LT 35 Thin.ttf
HelveticaNeue LT 55 Roman.ttf
This is after having cooked the ROM without the DroidSans.ttf file, fresh after flash.
So I got v1.1.1 all EXT'ed and ready to go. Hopefully simply removing one of these will do the trick!
I just didn't a comparative search of my old kitchen and my new kitchen and they both pulled up the same .ttf files, the ones I've listed above.
I feel like this means that one of these files is not the problem...
It's never an easy fix...
It could be the "HelveticaNeue LT 55 Roman". that one is not standard either. I just flashed your ROM, and I'm noticing that the Taskbar Text does not look like the WM standard font (tahoma). So it's possible that the taskbar and softkeys are using the "HelveticaNeue LT 55 Roman" font. This one also appears in EneryROMs. I may create .TTF files for this font...