:>)) (glad you are OC now… lol, glad you are…)
Orig OC
OC ppcgeeks thread:
http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showpost.p...3&postcount=45 thread started on 4/5.
Your “new” thread started on 7/25:
OC in Energy thread:
related to my overclocking, discussion here, but don't think so...)
Yep, dished out a little crap after seeing the same thing for the 20th time on 10 different threads! Probably inspired by another “sprint keyboard” fix question! HA! Certainly over clocking is about the best thing to happen to the TP2 & don’t want to stifle discussion, but even the posts in both threads were similar! May have jumped the gun..
..aside from the initial multi post response bashing & wordage.. in less than a month on this Energy thread.. you’ve been very helpful to the community! Good job.