Originally Posted by Nygel
well i will say this, the two systems bothhave the fairshare of issues and if you pay close attention to the feedback stats you willsee that 2.2 has less issues than 2.1.
Yes Sense lays better on 2.1 but that the carriers fault because the caps they installed to stop things they dont want you to have, but nobady never taught those restriction /s could be plaging the phones. If you are that much not satistfied them learn to build roms so you will not have to install people preference
Yes there are more problems with 2.1. there has been more time and exposure to discover and resolve these issues. 2.2 is too new and fresh and the issues are just now being discovered.
Its not important however. I bit the bullet for the rest of you. I knew that by going back to 2.1 they would fix 2.2 , as the source code was released this morning. Murphys law. Now the devs will dissect the code and make Froyo run the way its supposed to. Just a matter of days now. And when i say "the way its supposed to" Im refering to the way it does on the Nexus One. Google uses that phone to test everything and the dam thing screams! That is the pinnacle of Googles OS performance and if we eclipse that then all the better.