Originally Posted by zak99999
Any idea when the blue tooth issue of not being able to hang up a call from the blue tooth headset will be fixed in this ROM?
It is a big frustration. One of my major beefs. Since I flashed the Aug 10th Rom, Nothing but problems. But I suspect it's me. I'm going to flash again. (I did Task 29), But the phone would lock up in mail constantly. Sometimes I couldn't get sense to start, Phone calls did not bring up the phone screen. I used a Page Pool of 12 as well, but I will try 16. I see that this ROMs default PP was less than previous ROMs.
On a related note. Anyone know where the e-mail signatures are kept? I want to back those up because they are pain to keep typing in.
EDIT: I have noticed the new Check boxes, (Dotted "X") I don't like them. They also have a strange behavior that when you check and then uncheck them, they don't clear and are sort of grey. Making it difficult to determine checked status. I liked the regular checks better.
Since I have reflashed, it is performing much better.....