Originally Posted by youngpro83
Yeah Id have to agree with U about not really seeing or feeling any difference. To be honest if there wasnt that strange looking internet slider after first flashing 8-7 than By first glance I could not have seen anything too drastic in changes if any at all. Might have to take Ur advice and just stick to 2017 for now. I got my phone all tweaked out so not flashing back would definitely save me some time.
Hey Young - you still on 2017? I was wondering if you were seeing something I am. If I go to the twitter tab and update, it will update but if I try to scroll to see the new tweets it will sort of bounce back down to the one that was at the top before the update. If I leave the tab and come back, it will have the new tweets on top as you would expect. Re-flashed and it did this from the get go as well.