thanks for the tip! Actually, I'm aware of the process and have used it in the past to turn off QM. However, when I tried on v10.1 it would basically disable the hardware key (no qm, no start menu, nothing) and when I hit the task manager icon in upper right it would put up the qm "menu" with the dialog box underneath that asked if you wanted to exit forever, just this one time, or cancel. Once or twice I was able to hit exit and the button on the dialog box and then I could get the hardware key back (start menu). But it always came back on a reset. Maybe a bad flash??? Anyway, I'm not willing to give up my alarm clock in landscape so I'm back to v9.8. Doesn't stop me from playing with maxsense on the weekends though

Originally Posted by ModmyPPC
As far as exiting QM goes all you have to do is hit the windows key on your phone slide down to QM options, then go to exit. The program wont start again until you start it up. Easy solution and you dont need to instal any cabs.