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Old 08-10-2010, 05:30 PM
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Re: OverClock for TP2 ~ 8/8/10 NEW UPDATES! For all ROMS ~

Originally Posted by nayr1482 View Post
OK...I installed PS (Full) and have been TRYING to replicate what you are getting. But so far...nothing. No SOD, lockups, freezes, nada...

Will keep trying but so far nothing...turning screen but dont unlock and let PS put phone to sleep, call my phone when PS is on, dont answer it and let PS put phone to sleep, etc...
Nothing seems to cause issue on my phone...

Just a thought, can you try something and see what it does?
Go into your registry, and change HKLM\SOFTWARE\PocketShield\SLEEPWAIT to 70
Then go to Settings, Sounds & Display, Backlight
Set it up so on Battery Power you Dim after 30sec, and Turn off after 60sec.
Soft Reset.

Test that out - see if it helps you. I can confirm that this way, if your phone is asleep and you get a missed call or whatever and dont unlock, it does NOT put it back to sleep. Windows does after the 60sec.
Maybe if we can get windows to manage your power settings instead of PS it will prevent your issues...dont know. Worth a shot!
Alright, I'll try that out. I did have 15 sec auto-screen-off if it didn't unlock from pocketshield. Maybe you're right, if pocketshield turns the screen off, the phone doesn't throttle down to the safe speed.

I edited the reg key so it shuts off in 240 seconds so even if I accidentally touch the screen multiple times while it's still locked (causing windows screen timer to reset), windows has a a couple more minutes to turn the screen off before pocketshield turns it off, causing a SOD.

So far, it's looking good. I've tested out a missed call without touching the phone, letting it go back into pocketshield and letting windows lock the phone (after 60 secs of the phone call ending) and then being able to turn it on again.

I just wish I could use the pocketshield 15 sec turn-off so it doesn't waste battery if I accidentally turn the phone on. Oh well, I guess I'll have to compromise.

Thanks for your help btw.
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