Originally Posted by searcher61
Not to be a wet blanket...but I do computer security for a major corp. There is a reason other than simply locking people out of their phones that people should not use root.
If anyone has used Linux,Unix, XP, Vista or Windows 7, they should realize that you should not run as admin. An admin (or Root) user as access to everything. While that may seem great...modification...extra functionality...etc. There is a downside. If you have access to everything...so does a virus, hacker or rouge program. You may also have problems getting OTA updates until they are cooked into a rom.
I myself have rooted many of my phones using the great info from this and other sites. So I don't want anyone to think I am against it.
Just want people to make an informed choice.
And for those who want more info....
Android has some precautions to keep exactly what you say from happening. This is why when you use an application like wifi tether that requires root access, the superuser app prompts you for allowing su access. Read here: