Originally Posted by DaveTN
So, are you prepared to TRY and actually prove me wrong?
Yes, the battery does have circuitry in it to determine the rate of charge and discharge and yes, the phone does interpert that infor from the battery.
In the HUNDREDS of custom ROM's that I have flashed - many long before 2007 when I joined PPCG - my experience has taught me that it does take a bit of time for the battery readings to stabilize.
And.. I also pointed out that that fact is disputed, but again in my experience, I have seen some fact to what I pointed out.
Also, you failed to mention the other useful FACTS that I pointed out about drain on the battery.
You also missed and failed to mention what the OP said. His battery dropps to 85% right after he unplugs his phone from the charger.
So, unless you can conclusively prove me wrong.....
I try to be as helpful as I can here. I may not be perfect in everything I post but at least I take the time out of my busy day to do so. Most, if not all the readers here will agree that what I post is helpful.
Got something to say about it, do me a favor and PM it to me. I don't want to muddy up the thread again and make Orangekid step in and make me read his book again.
I myself have flashed thousands of ROMs particularly on TP1 & TP2 and I agree with Dave. There is def. a relationship in battery drain & flashes. Many, Many posts have been made and tests completed to show a correlation. There are many posts on Battery Calibration as well. Nothing has been presented to disprove it is related to flashes or HRs.
I do very little tweaking or adjusting, flash to complete in less than 15-20 mins......... My batt always does better after a day or so in which I run the fresh flash till batt is near dead (1-2%) and then let it charge to full. My usage & screen is on FAR more after my flash & set up process, rather than being on more at first to set it up so Im not buying that theory. I also know that turning the screen on just to tweak a few things is using less batt discharge than playing music a day or so after the device is all set up.
That being said I am not trying to jump in an arguement, just saying that I def. think users should look at some of the information on the topic to fully grasp how THEY feel.