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Old 08-09-2010, 11:47 PM
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helpful battery saving apps [rooted]

Ok...I figure I share some knowledge that I've picked up about saving the juice. Understand that most of the apps that I'm posting have already been mentioned at some point in time...and most IF NOT ALL require ROOT.

SetCPU: this one is a no brainer, Overclock and undervolt. You can set up customized profiles for when the screen is off, scaling your cpu speed as your battery winds on

Juice Defender: this one is almost a one stop shop to save the juice. If has several different battery saving is for data to turn on once every 15 min for 1 min to update your mail, widgets, etc. There is also a traffic setting that will maintain connection as long as you have data traffic.

Tasker: this was featured in is a wonderful automation app that basically can turn on features on its own when you want them to...regardless of location. I can get into details...but it'll take me several pages...think it'll be smarter if you googled this one for its full potential.

of course I'm sure there are many others...but these ones have served me well. Mind you that for overclocking you'll need a custom kernal. There are many more tricks including but not limited to:

turning off your 3G data when you don't "need' it
dimming your screen as comfortable as you can set it
keeping your GPS turned off (this one is debatable)
use WiFi over your cellular radio (this one is debatable too)
of course...keeping your 4G turned off when not in active use.

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