Originally Posted by 176562
Hey gmaine -
I was pretty careful to follow your instructions, but fo whatever reason I ended up stuck at 3mp (except when using Camera360 which is a pretty cool workaround for me). I might still want to give it another try though.
Forgive my ignorance...if I flash the HTC kernel to fix this and then flash back to netarchy...do I lose all data like with a ROM flash? I am of course aware of and use Titanium Backup but just curious if a kernel flash was kinda like a radio flash or not.
you will not loose any data
what i did for this to work
:flashed rom
:wipe dalvik - wipe cache flashed netarchy kernel
:wipe dalvik - wipe cache flashed the stock kernel for the rom i am using which is fresh 3.1.01
-checked camera to 8mp took 2 pics
:wiped dalvik wiped cache - flashed netarchy AGAIN .. and it works
i am using clockwork and wiped cache and dalvik 2ce each time ...