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Old 08-09-2010, 01:32 PM
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Re: [ROM] 8/6/10 | SPRINT LOVERS | FroYo | Offical 3.26.651.6| Included Radio/Wimax 4

Hi ... Raw NOOb here. First time Rooting and Flashing Rom.
Wanted to get it right the first time so after reading innumerable postings I finally decided to try FastRXB tutorial EVERYTHING EVO - Rooting | NAND | Flashing Roms | Wipe . It worked GREAT.

As part of it was flashing a custom Rom I checked around a bit, most of the time not knowing what I was reading, and decided to try 8/6/10 | SPRINT LOVERS | FroYo | Offical 3.26.651.6| Included Radio/Wimax 4G |. Again it worked GREAT.

Thanks Chris for the fine effort.

However, I am having one problem which probably belongs in another forum, but because it may involve the ROM I decided to post it here.

It has to do with the Sprint Hotspot and Wireless Tethering apps. They seem to start OK and my iPod Touch "sees" it and accepts the connection. The EVO (hotspot) also "sees" the attached device (1 connected user). However, when trying to access the internet (Safari) I get the message "Cannot Open Page .... because it's not connected to the internet".

Any replies or other post id's are appreciated.

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