Originally Posted by WoZZeR999
Attached is the .nbh needed for direct booting to Android. Our current sources (that I have tested at least), don't allow for booting fully into android, but we boot atleast into the console and crash (this is a good thing, means we are part of the way there). Please try to include the console log if possible, it will help [ACL] figure out what the next step is to getting it working. This uses the exact same setup as using a SD card to boot into haret.
I have flashed this to my phone, and flashed back to windows, so it SHOULDN'T cause any issues since the spl.nb is not touched, but I'm not going to say anything for 100% since I don't have the money to replace your phone.
Thanks to [ACL] and jonpry for their excellent work getting RHOD to where it is today.
Ok, I'll try this out and see what it does for me.
ok, so they moved me into my new room today, so idk if i'll have time to test today. but i shall sometime in the next few days. ugh, sorry