Originally Posted by Jasper988
Thanks, but the problem is that when I downloaded Maxsense 21911 it came in a .7z file and the video shows that there should be an executable. Am I missing something?...
If you're saying you can't open a .7z file, download & install
7-zip. If you're saying there's nothing in the unzipped file other than a *.nbh file, download
Hermann_CustomRUU.rar & put it in the same folder as the *.nbh file. When executed, it will auto-extract & execute the standard Activesync flashing procedure. (I found the Herman_CustomRUU.rar in
this thread's attachments, certainly not obvious if you're new to flashing). Once you're comfortable with flashing, you may also want to read up on the
Task 29 procedure for future flashes.
Edit: Looks like I'm too slow.
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