Originally Posted by Sharkie405
Another trick about Start Menu arrangement I did was to build a ROM and then manually move all the programs around in the start menu so they were in the order I wanted and then I saved the entire "HKLM\Secirity\Shell\Start Info\Start" key, then went in and cleared everything out of the .reg but the "Item Position" and value for each icon. It seemed easier than going in and manually putting in an Item Position value one by one for each program. It's still a little time consuming, but easier IMO.
I'll try that, but will that also help me with getting things in the correct folder? The other thing is changing Icons. I found most and changed them, but there are a few I can't find. The one you couldn't see on my earlier post was the contacts tab. Somewhere in my kitchen it's wanting to put it in the \Communications folder, and I can't find it.