Who's Going or gone back to 2.1 after trying 2.2? Am I all alone?
I went with froyo with the first custom ROM. Then again with cyanogen when it came out. Each time going back to 2.1 becasue bugs and stability. When the offical came out i figured this was going to be good.
After a short time I went back to 2.1 and am happy again. While it's not perfect I feel its better than 2.2 at the moment.
Am I all alone?
Who else is back with 2.1?
All the custom ROM builders have basicly stop development on 2.1 and switched to 2.2.
Very weird. Am I missing something? just look at the bug reports here and even more here and how many of the issues have no workaround. This is the reason i left Windows Mobile years ago.
I have watched the boards for a while and haven't seen anyone really going back.
PDA's I've owned/used in order... (retentions loves me)... nextel i930, BB 7100i, PPC-6700 (apache), treo 700p, PPC-6700, treo 700wx, PPC-6800 (mogul), PPC-6900 (touch), treo 755p, PPC-6900 (touch), BB 8130 (Pearl),PPC-6800 (mogul), BB 8330 (Curve) Diamond, treo 800w, Touch Pro, BB 8330 (Curve)