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Old 08-08-2010, 12:24 PM
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Re: Upgrade to Rooted Froyo, absolutely crappy battery life

Originally Posted by stparker38 View Post
I read that when we do a wipe and install a ROM, the battery memory wipes as well. We must recondition the battery. Try letting it run its course and only charge when drained. Charge with the phone off and then use until it runs all the way down. (Get rid of apps that doesn't support FROYO... if you use Titanium to back up your apps, only bring back your apps and not all the system data.)

It may take a day or two, but the battery life will begin to increase. I don't use a Task killer, I don't cut off anything. I use WHERE several times a day, run video and use my phone as normal. At first I was getting 4-6 hrs, then fully drained. Then I did what I stated above and now I get a full day of use without the battery draining. Last night when I went to bed it had been over 16hrs since unplugged and I was still at 37%.
Where are you reading this info. Its wrong! Our batteries dont have the memory effect and even if it did you would be able to "wipe" it. In fact you are not suppose to let our batteries brain all the way it bad for them.



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