Originally Posted by iknowsquat
OK, here I go
Which ROM are you on? Stock or modded kernel?
How did you install? How/what did you wipe--exactly?
Any mods to the OS? SetCPU? OC Widget?
Have you re-calibrated the screen?
Are you using a stock kb?
Are you on the latest PRL-60669?
Are you running the Facebook app and if so is it v1.3.1? (if it's not DL 1.3.1 from the market)
Also dl Network from the Market. Run the app and scroll down to set preferred network. It'll prolly say CDMA auto (PRL). Select anything else and exit. Go right back in and pick CDMA auto (PRL) again-I posted on this earlier today.
Have you ensured that ALL your sync settings for all your apps are the same as Eclair AND are you running any new apps that could possible be a draw on resources?
It's a lot but there are that many variables (and more) that can effect battery life.
Answer up and we'll see if anything jumps out at us.
Just a tip-the best method of assessing a ROM or upgrade to the OS is to simply run it "stock" for a day or three and THEN start adding apps and messing around with mods.
stock kernel
wiped data, cache and d cache
oc widget
havent re calibrated
yes stock kb
yes 60669
facebook that came with rom
got network earlier and did as instructed
and yes setting same as 2.1
oh, and i cant get none of my apps to trasfer to sd card !!! NONE