Originally Posted by y0himba
Hello. I am a die hard WinMo user because I require my phone to do certain things. I am wondering if Droid can do a few things.
A: Tether. I need to be able to tether my phone via USB and WiFi. However, just USB is sufficient.
B: Bluetooth auto-answer and voice dial. I drive, a lot, and need to be able to dial by voice, and have the headpiece auto-answer. Voice command is essential.
C: Music and video. I carry 2GB of music and 1GB of videos with me. Can a Droid phone play regular MP3s, and play videos such as MP4?
D: Streaming. I stream my webcam from home when I am on the road using Orb, as well as music, videos and documents. Can Droid connect to and use Orb's service? ( http://www.orb.com) ( http://mycast.orb.com)
Thank you for any useful, non-competitive, non-snarky answers. I am not trying to set up a WinMo VS. Android thread, just get some questions answered.
Now playing: The Beatles - Golden Slumbers
I will answer a few to the best of my ability
A. As far as the evo goes you can WiFi tether but you have to be rooted
B. With the new 2.2 froyo Bluetooth works for what you need
C. Yes and yes depending on what phone you choose I have the evo and it can do both
D. I can not answer this one as I have no clue
Sent from my "tricked out EVO" using tapatalk