Originally Posted by twebb32
When I try to use nayr1482's script, it doesn't work for me. Just to make sure I have this right...I have no other OC software on my mobile, I put nayr's script on the root of my SD card, copied oc_auto4, went to window/start and made the shortcut. Then I go back to oc-auto4_gui and edited my settings (i've tried all speeds). It restarts, I do a benchmark test, and I get the same results as stock.
If I use setcpuspeed1d, I can overclock it to 729 and get a dramatic difference in my benchmark test.
Any idea? Am I suppose to edit the script any? I do have mortscript on my mobile. Can anyone confirm in a benchmark that this script is working?
Hi, please post the values found in HKLM\SOFTWARE\Msm7kCpuSpeed\
there should be 4-8 keys in there.
Also, after booting - please use a task manager (dotFred) and check if MortScript.exe is running.