Originally Posted by mugsy77
Hopefully there is a simple fix to remove RSSHUB from Home w/o Cookie... =)
Nope, no simple fix.
Originally Posted by lbcary
Does Crusader have the Msm7kCpuSpeed cooked into the rom. Im starting to like playing with the overclock app and then use Speedtest to see if theres any changes. U also said Crusader has the old icons. Does it have all the old icons. Thanks again AI.
Yes it does have cpuspeed, also icons are all the same as V18. Except for manila, it has all stock graphics.
Originally Posted by darren.wlsn1
is there a trick to get usb and wifi tether to work? wifi was then got some error but usb never connected period. im sprint on crusader and internet/email ect works. is cookie/editor on rom? i forget if i saw it.
Have you tried provisioning? I dont use tethering sorry....but maybe if you explain to me how to check it, I can do so, and see if I can get you fix.
Originally Posted by darren.wlsn1
op theres a reg edit to get landscape to work also. dont have it but seems its out there.
OBOE core is capable of landscape, in the sense, you can enable landscape under Utilities>Tweaks>Tweaks>Sense 2.5>Enable Landscape. But Home screen will be distorted after you do that.